Our Site

Our 350-acre campus sits along the Russian River in the hills of Sonoma County, California, surrounded by one of the most beautiful agricultural regions in the country.


Eden Village West is located outside Healdsburg, CA, just 70 miles north of San Francisco. Oakland and San Francisco International Airports are 1.5 hours away.

We Have

  • A private stretch of the Russian River for boating & swimming
  • An outdoor pool (with high dive!)
  • Comfortable dorms
  • An organic educational farm
  • Magnificent groves of trees for hiking and camping
  • A beautiful teaching kitchen and bakery
  • Woodshop
  • Ceramics studio
  • Outdoor amphitheater and fire circles
  • A large gym with basketball courts and outdoor playing fields

Site Photos

Our site is beautifully nestled against the Russian River with amazing facilities

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